Daily Wisdom

August 20, 2009


Well, my fears of White House retaliation against my blog may have been exaggerated and unfounded. When I pressed the "review" button on my Dashboard, I got a message saying that my blog had been reported as a possible "spam blog". I did some research and found out from Wikipedia that spam blogs are...

artificially created weblog sites which the author uses to promote affiliated websites or to increase the search engine rankings of associated sites... Spam blogs are usually a type of 'scraper site', where content is often either 'inauthentic text' or merely stolen from other websites (see 'blog scraping').

Interestingly, when I Googled "200 Days - 200 Mistakes", I found a reference to my article at a blog which will remain unnamed. I won't provide a link here, because I don't want to give them the satisfaction. Nevertheless, this blog appears to be one of those 'scraper sites'. The scraper blog created a post called "View From Above: 200 Days - 200 Mistakes" and reprinted my entire article, but completely chopped it up, replacing key phrases with ones that don't make any sense. Here's an example...

Back on April 28th I wrote an article called “100 Days - 100 Mistakes”. You can rumble it at. Well, this is a bear out to that article... As of continue week, President Obama was in backup for the benefit of 200 days, and his example in the prime of entire advocate d occupy for per age has not changed.

I can only conclude that this is an example of the 'inauthentic text' to which Wikipedia refers. Assuming that this scraper blog used my work in this under-handed way to generate spam, then I can only apologize to anyone who may have been affected, and say that I am deeply irritated by the whole affair. As of this morning, my Dashboard no longer has any messages, and hopefully that is the end of the matter.


At 8/21/2009 1:12 AM , Blogger camojack said...

I wonder. The text you posted looks like something that might result from translating into another language and back again...

At 8/21/2009 11:15 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

I've thought about it, but I don't think I agree. There are too many words that are exactly correct, and then some thrown in that don't seem like they could be a good translation at all. And then there's that extraneous "d" just sitting there. It seems more like some phrases were plucked and then replaced.

God only knows what a twisted programmer thinks, and how he (or she?) instructs a computer to distort a blog article. There must be a bunch of ways. Spending the time to do it though, seems a bit weird to me.

(:I) Best regards...

At 9/05/2009 7:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i followed your link via Amy Proctor's blog to check it out and I know this is an older post, but in using Google to search for various things like history in downtown Taunton, Mass., or photography, I've come across what appears to be a pertinent link, then when I click it, it takes me to a website that has nonsense words and phrases stuck in with other text.

So, to make a long story short, I don't think it's the White House, just folks with a lot of time on their hands trying somehow I'm sure to make a buck.


At 9/09/2009 7:50 AM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Hi. You're probably right. Thanks for "Viewing".

(:D) Best regards...


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