Daily Wisdom

April 26, 2008

"Fallacy" Article Gets Wider "Viewing"

On April 22nd, I received my typical weekly blog activity report from Sitemeter™ and was a bit surprised to see a lot of activity for that particular day (April 22nd). Considering that the previous six days were pretty normal (read: "slow"), I was intrigued to find out the cause of the sudden spike in activity.

Having written an article entitled The Fallacy of "Climate Change" only two days earlier, I decided to Google the title, and was surprised to find several links to my latest offering. At first I was bit confused. The first link I went to was a blog called War In Iraq where a poster named "atheo" appeared to have lifted my entire article and reproduced it verbatim without giving me any credit...

(The blog indicated that there had been 266 reads of the article.)

I was becoming a bit annoyed at the thought of someone stealing my article, but I soon noticed a link at the end of "MY" article, and decided to check it out. The link took me to a website called Signs of the Times (or SOTT.net) where I again found a complete reprint of my original article.

This time however, I was gratified to see that my article was attributed to "Hawkeye" at "View From Above Blog" and included a link to my article. I was also pleased to see a note below the article that as of April 26th, "659 people have viewed this page since Mon, 21 Apr 2008". I had never visited this website before, and was somewhat amused to read the tag line: "the World for People who Think". (Ahhh, I thought! Good idea! Writing for thinkers, I thought to myself. A very thoughtful... thought.) I also noticed that my article had a rating of "10 lightbulbs", whatever that meant. Other articles had similar ratings, but none of the icons was ever the same from article to article.

Returning to Google, I also found my article reprinted in full at...

The Revolution Will Not Be Digitized. The "View From Above" was credited, but no mention of Hawkeye®, and no direct link to my article. Apparently they found the article at SOTT.net and used that as their source.

I also found references to my article at...

Above Top Secret, where somebody named JanusFIN posted the entire first paragraph, again with a link to SOTT.net and said, "Great article!"

Interestingly enough, I found a link to my article at a website called "What REALLY Happened", which appears to be a website for conspiracy theorists. Click on the link above and scroll down to April 21, 2008. I guess my article led one such theorist to conclude that the fallacy of climate change is being used by "politicians" to create "a 'crisis' requiring more taxes and control".

I was not overly-impressed by a reference to my article at The Fall Of Humanity Blog which seems to be nothing more than a listing of hundreds of articles in dozens of categories with no apparent point.

The website Skeptical Science referred to my article (along with many others) in an effort to refute it. Scroll down to see bullet #3 under "Articles Using This Argument". Better to be refuted than ignored I guess. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)

Someone at a Discussion Forum called "Australian Opinion" referred to my article without any further comment.

I found the link to my article at Rantburg.com particularly amusing. First of all, the tag line at this website is: "Civil, Well-Reasoned Discourse", which is accompanied by a woodcut of two men using fisticuffs. Secondly, they used a great pic entitled: "The benefits of global-warming" which shows Alaskan Huskies sitting in beach chairs. Rantburg reports 209 views of the page.

Finally, I found a reference to my article at what appears to be a French blog called IFTBQP ~ Social living. The blog introduced my article with only these words: "À lire absolument". A literal translation from Google says "To read absolutely", which I interpret as: "A must read".

Considering that only a handful of readers visit my humble blog during an average week, this was a pretty big deal for me. I hope you will share my momentary excitement, because I'm sure this event won't often be repeated. Special thanks to those dedicated few who regularly stop in to "View" and, well... still keep coming back!

[UPDATE: After posting this article, I did another search and found additional links to my article HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE. Page views of the article at SOTT.net is up to 872. I also learned that Skeptical Science created a dedicated page for my article HERE.]


At 4/26/2008 9:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I'm going to get stage fright if I post here,I hope I can remember what I wanted to say.You are just saqying the right thing ,in the right way ,at the right time,of course you do that a lot.
I think the Gullibles who could swallow "Global Warming " just choke on "Climate Change".


At 4/26/2008 9:46 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Time for the Heimlich maneuver?

(:D) Best regards...

At 4/26/2008 10:41 PM , Blogger camojack said...

I'm always fascinated by the places my blog is read, as well as which posts. I recently passed 30,000 views since instituting the counter.

As for the following paragraph:

"Interestingly enough, I found a link to my article at a website called "What REALLY Happened", which appears to be a website for conspiracy theorists. Click on the link above and scroll down to April 21, 2008. I guess my article led one such theorist to conclude that the fallacy of climate change is being used by "politicians" to create "a 'crisis' requiring more taxes and control".

I can certainly believe their conclusion...

At 4/26/2008 11:57 PM , Blogger Jenn said...

What fun! You're like, FAMOUS!

At 4/27/2008 6:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Hawkeye,

Our sincerest apologies from The Revolution Will Not Be Digitized blog for improperly citing your article. Proper credit has been given to your most excellent piece of commentary.

I post so many articles in one day that, in cases like yours where sott.net didn't clearly cite their source, sometimes quick judgment calls have to be made and stories are posted just to get the news to the people as quickly as possible.

You have our sincerest apologies for the mistake. Thanks again for your hard work.

Best wishes,

P.S. - You'll be glad to know that your piece ranks within the top third of all of our news stories, w/ seven hits. Not too bad, considering that we've only been posting news for two weeks.

At 4/27/2008 10:11 AM , Blogger Just call me Shelly said...

Not bad, considering I had 6 comments from my last blog and three of them were my replies.

The only time I created any furor was the time I cited an Afro-American martial arts group who somehow found my blog.

They were not happy. Well, even bad press is better than no press

At 4/27/2008 10:17 AM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Well, I guess SOME conspiracies are REAL, eh?

(:D) Best regards...

At 4/27/2008 10:18 AM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Does that constitute my 15 minutes?

(:D) Best regards...

At 4/27/2008 10:24 AM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Thanks for your note and kind words. Good luck in your new venture.

(:D) Regards...

At 4/27/2008 10:39 AM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Ms RightWing,
Yes, and oddly enough, my "Fallacy" article has only 4 comments (two of which are mine). Go figure.

Anyway, my apologies for not checking in more often at Shelly's Cafe. Hope all is well.

(:D) Best regards...

At 4/28/2008 1:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some conspiracies are decidedly real, yes.

(Like that one)

At 4/28/2008 8:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on becoming so "worldly"
Don't forget us "little people" when you hit the big time!

At 4/28/2008 10:30 AM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Yikes! Christians aren't supposed to be "worldly". Maybe I did something wrong?

No "little people" in my book.

(:D) Best regards...

At 4/29/2008 3:34 PM , Blogger Beerme said...

Congrats on the great response to a great article!

Hey, that "Ten Light Bulb" rating better not be incandescent...

At 4/30/2008 7:56 AM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Thanks! No incandescent bulbs here... just the ones that are loaded with mercury (better for the environment).

(:D) Best regards...

At 5/02/2008 8:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new found notoriety my friend. I hope to re-read some of your articles once the ringing in my ears stops after Tuesday, when Hillary and "Milhouse" Obama leave Indiana, and the commercial airwaves go back to telling us to 'Eat at Joe's', or Burger King!

PS: Check out the URL. It is from a blog a good friend of mine has. The article is about Hillary.

At 5/02/2008 8:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for the safety of the new mercury loaded light bulbs. There should be no problem of them ending up in landfills, as long as the same care is taken that we have seen with cell phone, and laptop batteries, junk PC's, and used paints/old chemicals!

Remember how responsible people used to be with used motor oil, and freon? I was always told as a kid that motor oil was good for killing weeds along a fence line! Maybe these crushed up mercury bulbs will work just as well?

I also have never seen people throwing trash from their cars.

At 5/02/2008 12:31 PM , Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Thanks for your kind words and the link to your friend's blog. Good stuff there. And good luck with the Hillary-Obama thingy next Tuesday... Bet you can't wait 'til it's over, eh?

(:D) Best regards...


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